Sharetrader down again

Started by Mysterion, Jul 07, 2022, 12:56 PM

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Yes we need more good posters on here. It's early days, but most on sharetrader don't no this site exists. How do we change that?


Quote from: Shareguy on Jul 07, 2022, 02:07 PMYes we need more good posters on here. It's early days, but most on sharetrader don't no this site exists. How do we change that?

Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.


Quote from: Mysterion on Jul 07, 2022, 12:56 PM
for a start, posters here need to stop posting on that terrible forum. Stop giving it oxygen.

Next use your networks of known people. Especially those with balls to make one last stand. By that I mean for the person to pm all decent posters and give them this website address. With the message that it is dead easy - no getting approval from admin required.

It seems this approach will see the poster served with a life time ban. Which should only remind people of how petty admin over there is.

That site is obviously well past its use by date.  And admin should have been put out to pasture years ago.


Quote from: Minimoke on Jul 07, 2022, 02:36 PM
Quote from: Mysterion on Jul 07, 2022, 12:56 PM
for a start, posters here need to stop posting on that terrible forum. Stop giving it oxygen.

Next use your networks of known people. Especially those with balls to make one last stand. By that I mean for the person to pm all decent posters and give them this website address. With the message that it is dead easy - no getting approval from admin required.

It seems this approach will see the poster served with a life time ban. Which should only remind people of how petty admin over there is.

That site is obviously well past its use by date.  And admin should have been put out to pasture years ago.

I realise that there is a lot of baggage and a lot of hurt feelings around ... and absolutely - lots of things which happened in the other forum have been unfair and undesirable .... and yes, admin and moderation over there has not always been up to professional standards.

Having said this - I don't think that it is helpful to gang up against the other forum. Feels a bit like kindergarten games.

If you intend to build up an anti sharetrader forum, then please count me out - there are a number of people I like to communicate with on sharetrader and I don't see all of them moving over here.

I know as well how it feels if you put effort and content into a forum and it disappears overnight (been there with fatportfolio) ... which may or may not happen at some stage to this forum as well. Admin and / or IT discovering different priorities (fair enough) - and if we killed off sharetrader by that time, than there will be no NZX discussion forum left.

Sharetrader despite all its warts (and yes, there are many) has at least managed to survive the last 20 or so years. It is a great repository to learn from about the history of many NZX companies and I think we should wish it well. Stocktalk has still 20 years to go to get there.

I hope that NZ is big enough to nurture two NZX discussion forums ... and it will be a win-win for everybody. Obviously - each of the forums should try to become the more competent, the better quality, the nicer, the more helpful and the more stable forum. Lets compete by providing quality content, not by telling other people where they are supposed to post, shall we?

Obviously - nothing wrong to tell others that this forum is around. Just let them decide what they are doing with this information. Nothing stopping you to put lots of quality content into this forum and for sure everybody will come just to read it here and contribute.

Competition is good for markets ... no matter whether they are about selling goods, offering services or exchanging information.


I think I prefer it to be a bit quieter here - i gave up on even reading ST a long time ago as it was mostly pages of personal attacks and juvenile conversational waffle, and very little actually relevant to the stocks themselves and of little financial value to me.  I'll pop in here from time to time to add my 2c worth but I will stick to my private stock chat groups on Slack that have been in operation for many years now.  If admin of ST thinks we are missing out by being banned from ST, he is mistaken.  Private groups have been flourishing for a long time, they are by invitation only. and its where many of the professional fund managers and private family office managers hang out. You won't find them on ST either. The more Stocktalk can maintain the high quality of posts, even if lower quantity, the more likely you will attract the high quality posters.   
Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.


Quote from: BlackPeter on Jul 07, 2022, 05:55 PM
Quote from: Minimoke on Jul 07, 2022, 02:36 PM
Quote from: Mysterion on Jul 07, 2022, 12:56 PM
for a start, posters here need to stop posting on that terrible forum. Stop giving it oxygen.

Next use your networks of known people. Especially those with balls to make one last stand. By that I mean for the person to pm all decent posters and give them this website address. With the message that it is dead easy - no getting approval from admin required.

It seems this approach will see the poster served with a life time ban. Which should only remind people of how petty admin over there is.

That site is obviously well past its use by date.  And admin should have been put out to pasture years ago.

I realise that there is a lot of baggage and a lot of hurt feelings around ... and absolutely - lots of things which happened in the other forum have been unfair and undesirable .... and yes, admin and moderation over there has not always been up to professional standards.

Having said this - I don't think that it is helpful to gang up against the other forum. Feels a bit like kindergarten games.

If you intend to build up an anti sharetrader forum, then please count me out - there are a number of people I like to communicate with on sharetrader and I don't see all of them moving over here.

I know as well how it feels if you put effort and content into a forum and it disappears overnight (been there with fatportfolio) ... which may or may not happen at some stage to this forum as well. Admin and / or IT discovering different priorities (fair enough) - and if we killed off sharetrader by that time, than there will be no NZX discussion forum left.

Sharetrader despite all its warts (and yes, there are many) has at least managed to survive the last 20 or so years. It is a great repository to learn from about the history of many NZX companies and I think we should wish it well. Stocktalk has still 20 years to go to get there.

I hope that NZ is big enough to nurture two NZX discussion forums ... and it will be a win-win for everybody. Obviously - each of the forums should try to become the more competent, the better quality, the nicer, the more helpful and the more stable forum. Lets compete by providing quality content, not by telling other people where they are supposed to post, shall we?

Obviously - nothing wrong to tell others that this forum is around. Just let them decide what they are doing with this information. Nothing stopping you to put lots of quality content into this forum and for sure everybody will come just to read it here and contribute.

Competition is good for markets ... no matter whether they are about selling goods, offering services or exchanging information.
ST isn't the only nzx based forum.  Hot copper also has an area for nz but it isn't frequented much


Well the membership is slowly growing on here which is great and the atmosphere is predominantly cordial which is also pleasant, lets just not have any toxic political or Coronavirus threads or things will deteriorate, massively polarized topics always seem to bring out the worst and are circular like a cat chasing its tail.


Its truly wonderful to have very high caliber posters like KW, Minimoke, Snapati, Crackity and Left Field to name just five posters who were shockingly treated by the other site, sharing their wisdom on a public forum again.


I'm banned for ever on ST for one comment. The mods over there are the most thin skinned people. This platform seems to have much better tech


Looks like someone has b*&&*d ST again this arbo ..

QuoteThis site can't be reached

Darn rude -- not even a "Sorry Folks - We're out of Action" notice :)

Perhaps they need to get Willie Jackson on to fixing it :)


No "Out of Action" notice this time either ;)


Back up again by 7:15 looking at the posts


Quote from: kasper on Jul 08, 2022, 09:51 AMWell the membership is slowly growing on here which is great and the atmosphere is predominantly cordial which is also pleasant, lets just not have any toxic political or Coronavirus threads or things will deteriorate, massively polarized topics always seem to bring out the worst and are circular like a cat chasing its tail.

people will always want to talk about these things though, I suspect that is why I was reason given...because I hold a contrary position to the gubmint...on just about everything actually...

But anyways, maybe there could be some sort of bull pen section where if you go in there you better put your big boy pants on.  That way folks who engage in there have to know that the innernet is a dangerous place


*sharp inhale* Heresy! heh