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Started by Shareguy, Jul 02, 2022, 06:36 AM

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winner (n)

EBO ASM had update for first quarter of F23- great start to year

For the three months ended 30 September 2022, the Group recorded revenue of approximately $3.0 billion and Underlying EBITDA of approximately $142 million.

This reflects double-digit organic growth compared to the prior corresponding period as well as
contribution from acquisitions completed in FY22

Can't domuch better than that - forecast EPS of $1.70 might be on the light side

Heck - double digit organic growth and LifeHealth to be added - all for $37 bucks on a PE of about 20


Yes Winner. I like the plus contribution from Lifehealth. I think $1.70 may be on the light side.

winner (n)

Quote from: Shareguy on Oct 27, 2022, 04:28 PMYes Winner. I like the plus contribution from Lifehealth. I think $1.70 may be on the light side.

Best thing about Lifeheaith is that their margins are far superior than the razor thin margins what Ebos usually achieves

Lifehealth goingto make a big difference

Yet to be truly recognised by the market


Quote from: winner (n) on Oct 27, 2022, 04:38 PMBest thing about Lifeheaith is that their margins are far superior than the razor thin margins what Ebos usually achieves

Lifehealth goingto make a big difference

Yet to be truly recognised by the market

Yes they made the comment that Lifecare meeting expectations so going to be no surprises. I agree that the market has not priced in the superior margins.  What are you thinking for EPS?


From Craig's
EBOS forecasts that LifeHealthcare will generate A$110-114m in EBITDA in CY2022, representing a 12% CAGR from FY21. The forecast assumes there are no material interruptions from Covid in CY2022. Management note the business has seen a strong recovery as lockdowns have eased in recent weeks and elective surgeries have resumed. Longer term, EBOS is targeting organic growth of c10% per year.
It will be difficult for us to independently assess the performance of LifeHealthcare post acquisition, as it (along with four other recent bolt-on acquisitions in the space with a revenue run-rate of c$80m/year) will continue to be reported as part of EBOS' Institutional Healthcare segment, which up until today's acquisition was chiefly driven by hospital drugs and to a lesser extent hospital consumables. We think, in the interests of good corporate governance and disclosure, that EBOS should split out the reporting of its medical device segment which is now of a material scale. Indeed, the recent trend of EBOS to reduce disclosure (for example, rolling its small but poorly performing consumer products segment into the behemoth of the Community Pharmacy Segment) has reduced visibility of earnings and made it harder for analysts to forecast what is fast becoming a healthcare conglomerate.


Saw old Liz going on about 700% returns over 10 years, very nice indeed but somehow get the feeling she won't have the opportunity to brag about OCA like that for a very long time  ;D


(red) looks a nice Pastel orange line.

Both PFH and EBO showing a similar trend... down and flattening out.

not sure all this EPS stuff but surely the figure is worth only something if its standardise for across the market use.


Quote from: Gerald on Oct 27, 2022, 08:06 PMSaw old Liz going on about 700% returns over 10 years, very nice indeed but somehow get the feeling she won't have the opportunity to brag about OCA like that for a very long time  ;D

Feelings can be wrong :) ... and actually , they often are.

But hey - I guess the fact that you put a swipe against OCA into the EBOS thread to avoid scrutiny  demonstrates that you don't trust your feelings :P .


Fbar have come out with

FY23E EPS $1.71. DPS $1.19
FY24E EPS $1.92. DPS $1.34

Good growth in FY23 Divi due to lifehealth acquisition.

Only 25 percent imputed.


Craig's latest Trading update -
The table below estimates implied organic growth (light green), given the estimated contribution from Life Healthcare to reported results (given EBO's guidance at the time of the acquisition for the business to deliver $110-114m EBITDA or $9.1-9,5m/month). Overall, we estimate EBO is on track to deliver organic growth in uEBITDA of 9.8% in 1H23 and total growth of 36.7

A main competitor Sigma trading on forward 12 month PE of 36


WOW. Is the market finally waking up to what a great company this is.


$41. Will be getting a please explain from the NZX. Large volume NZX normal volume ASX. Can find no reason for it

winner (n)

The company has been admitted into an MSCI small cap index, which triggers a raft of passive buying, said Brad Gordon, director and senior investment adviser at Hobson Wealth Partners.


Quote from: winner (n) on Nov 11, 2022, 03:47 PMThe company has been admitted into an MSCI small cap index, which triggers a raft of passive buying, said Brad Gordon, director and senior investment adviser at Hobson Wealth Partners.

Is this going to be another CEN after Blackrock brought up large.