Pseudoephedrine decision

Started by Untamed, May 30, 2024, 07:08 PM

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Quote from: Ferg on Jun 06, 2024, 10:20 PMSnoopy - the medication prescribed for sinus issues has nothing to do with a blocked nose or having a cold or flu.  Blocked sinuses can be brought on by things like pollens and it is not pleasant.  Please don't conflate the two because any sinus suffer will tell you it's not the same as having a cold or flu.

RB is Snoopy? Seriously? 🙄

Red Baron

Quote from: Untamed on Jun 06, 2024, 11:00 PMRB is Snoopy? Seriously? 🙄

Nein.  Herr von Verg eez taunting me een a 'vriendly vay'.  He knows Herr von Schnoopy, eez my arch nemesis, and a 'victional character'.  I, OTOH am real!  I even have a veb page on Vikipedia to prove eet.

All true, eczept rumours of my detah have been 'greatly exaggerated'


Ricky Bobby

 I recon it's a great thing! I'm sick and short on time, a quick trip to the chemist and it's bearable again. It works a treat. Big tick from me!