Pseudoephedrine decision

Started by Untamed, May 30, 2024, 07:08 PM

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It absolutely blows my mind that the government ever thought making pseudoephedrine available over the counter again, was a good idea. This is precisely what I knew would happen.

Absolute idiots.


Sinus sufferers would disagree.  Rather than penalise those that suffer from sinus issues, how about they have better security procedures for the medications and stiffer penalties for the perps?


Quote from: Ferg on Jun 06, 2024, 05:20 PMSinus sufferers would disagree.  Rather than penalise those that suffer from sinus issues, how about they have better security procedures for the medications and stiffer penalties for the perps?

Having these medications available only on prescription, was a security measure. I have no issue with people who genuinely need them, having access to them, but there is literally zero need for them to be available OTC. If you need them, you can have them - on prescription, and readily available from your pharmacy. Making them available OTC simply gives people who don't need them easy access to obtain them for other purposes.
I can't comment on the "stiffer penalties for perps" as I have no knowledge of what the current penalties are.

Red Baron

Quote from: Untamed on Jun 06, 2024, 05:36 PMHaving these medications available only on prescription, was a security measure. I have no issue with people who genuinely need them, having access to them, but there is literally zero need for them to be available OTC. If you need them, you can have them - on prescription, and readily available from your pharmacy. Making them available OTC simply gives people who don't need them easy access to obtain them for other purposes.

Try making an appointment vith your doctor eef you are zuffering from zinus zymptoms.   By ze time you get to zee your doc, ze head cold zymptoms that pseudodphedrine can help vith, vould be over.



Quote from: Red Baron on Jun 06, 2024, 07:35 PMTry making an appointment vith your doctor eef you are zuffering from zinus zymptoms.   By ze time you get to zee your doc, ze head cold zymptoms that pseudodphedrine can help vith, vould be over.

If you have known, ongoing issues that require this medication, you should not need to see your doctor every time you need a new prescription. Yes, you would need to see them initially but after that you can generally phone for a repeat prescription and have it sent directly to your pharmacy of choice. This is no different than any other regular prescription medication one takes. So if what you say is correct, you should probably find a new doctor.

If you have a known issue that means you may require this medication (or any other medication for that matter)  it is common sense to ensure you have some on hand for emergencies.  Women have been doing this forever given our propensity to certain issues that may arise unexpectedly. If you need me to explain that PM me.

Red Baron

Quote from: Untamed on Jun 06, 2024, 07:39 PMIf you have known, ongoing issues that require this medication, you should not need to see your doctor every time you need a new prescription. Yes, you would need to see them initially but after that you can generally phone for a repeat prescription and have it sent directly to your pharmacy of choice. This is no different than any other regular prescription medication one takes. So if what you say is correct, you should probably find a new doctor.


How long to take it for

You can take pseudoephedrine for a few days, usually up to 5 to 7 days, for the short-term relief of a stuffy or blocked nose.

Only take it for longer than 7 days if a doctor has said it's OK.


Pseudoephedrine eez not a 'regular medication'.

New doctor?   Yes but, try to vind a medical centre vith new patient vacancies!  (Ze whole 'General Practice System' een NZ zeems overloaded).



Quote from: Red Baron on Jun 06, 2024, 07:35 PMTry making an appointment vith your doctor eef you are zuffering from zinus zymptoms.  By ze time you get to zee your doc, ze head cold zymptoms that pseudodphedrine can help vith, vould be over.


As Untamed says, but as well you could sign up for and order repeat prescriptions to pick up from your local pharmacy. No need to visit the doctor every time. Heaps of other useful stuff on that App, like booking appointments, communicating with your GP, a record of previous visits, health records, lab results ... and more.

As for Pseudoephedrine over the counter, my daughter (a registered pharmacist) tells me that in community pharmacy's, they have similar amount of stocks before and after 'over the counter' comes back, it's just the mechanism to obtain it that's changed. The risk profile of the pharmacy is largely unchanged, the druggies and crims behaviour doesn't change, just because it can be bought over the counter. Typically they're not interested in a packet or two, they want the whole stock!
Age is not a good measure of ability


Quote from: Red Baron on Jun 06, 2024, 07:54 PM


How long to take it for

You can take pseudoephedrine for a few days, usually up to 5 to 7 days, for the short-term relief of a stuffy or blocked nose.

Only take it for longer than 7 days if a doctor has said it's OK.


Pseudoephedrine eez not a 'regular medication'.

New doctor?   Yes but, try to vind a medical centre vith new patient vacancies!  (Ze whole 'General Practice System' een NZ zeems overloaded).


That's not what I meant. I mean, if you are known to have sinus issues, your GP will be aware of that. He/she can provide you with a prescription which you can fill at the pharmacy, so you have it on hand, at home, the next time your sinuses play up. In some cases he/she can also provide a PRN prescription (PRN means "as required") to your pharmacy. If you wake up tomorrow with blocked sinuses, you can go to your pharmacy and they can look that prescription up, and provide you with the medication.

You are making this out to be far more difficult and complicated than it actually is.


Quote from: Buzz on Jun 06, 2024, 07:55 PMAs for Pseudoephedrine over the counter, my daughter (a registered pharmacist) tells me that in community pharmacy's, they have similar amount of stocks before and after 'over the counter' comes back, it's just the mechanism to obtain it that's changed. The risk profile of the pharmacy is largely unchanged, the druggies and crims behaviour doesn't change, just because it can be bought over the counter. Typically they're not interested in a packet or two, they want the whole stock!

Interesting. But maybe the fact that there is stock on the shelves, now that it is OTC again, makes it quicker and easier for the bad guys to smash and grab? Up until now they would have had to go through the store to the pharmacy prep area and search through a multitude of meds on shelves, to find the ones they are looking for. I imagine they want to get in and out as quickly as possible, especially if the place is alarmed. Plus, I think some pharmacies have roll down security grids in the meds/prep area, which would slow them down a fair bit.

Just a thought. Either way, I still think the change was a bad idea.

Red Baron

Quote from: Buzz on Jun 06, 2024, 07:55 PMAs Untamed says, but as well you could sign up for and order repeat prescriptions to pick up from your local pharmacy. No need to visit the doctor every time. Heaps of other useful stuff on that App, like booking appointments, communicating with your GP, a record of previous visits, health records, lab results ... and more.

Ze 'Zinus condition' to vhich I refer eez caused by ze disease (be it cold/flu/Covid).  It eez not chronic.   And eef eet vas chronic, pseudoephidrine does not zound like a zuitable medication vor zuch a condition.

My Doc does do repeat prescriptions.  But not indefinite repeats.   You 'check in' vor a 'check up' every three months.


Red Baron

Quote from: Untamed on Jun 06, 2024, 08:44 PMThat's not what I meant. I mean, if you are known to have sinus issues, your GP will be aware of that.

You misunderstand. I am not 'known to have sinus issues'. I get sinus issues vhen I have a severe head cold or ze vlu.  In vact most everybody does.  And to alleviate ze zinus zymptoms over ze 'zhort term', buying pseudoephidrine OTC eez a good zolution.



Quote from: Red Baron on Jun 06, 2024, 10:03 PMZe 'Zinus condition' to vhich I refer eez caused by ze disease (be it cold/flu/Covid).  It eez not chronic.  And eef eet vas chronic, pseudoephidrine does not zound like a zuitable medication vor zuch a condition.

My Doc does do repeat prescriptions.  But not indefinite repeats.  You 'check in' vor a 'check up' every three months.


Quote from: Red Baron on Jun 06, 2024, 10:10 PMYou misunderstand. I am not 'known to have sinus issues'. I get sinus issues vhen I have a severe head cold or ze vlu.  In vact most everybody does.  And to alleviate ze zinus zymptoms over ze 'zhort term', buying pseudoephidrine OTC eez a good zolution.


Ok, well every GP operates differently I guess. But either way, it is not that difficult to get a prescription if and when you need one, and there are always after hours GP's available if needed. I have never had any trouble getting a script for something unexpected. At the most, I might have had to wait till the next day, but never any longer than that.

I stand by what I suggested in my previous post. Have a chat to your GP next time you are there, and explain that whenever you get a cold/flu/covid, you invariably end up with sinus issues. Ask him to write you a script so you can have a box of whatever medication you need, on hand, so it is readily available when needed. If he/she has seen you in the past for sinus issues, I seriously doubt they will refuse to do this for you.

Red Baron

Quote from: Untamed on Jun 06, 2024, 10:11 PMI stand by what I suggested in my previous post. Have a chat to your GP next time you are there, and explain that whenever you get a cold/flu/covid, you invariably end up with sinus issues. Ask him to write you a script so you can have a box of whatever medication you need, on hand, so it is readily available when needed. If he/she has seen you in the past for sinus issues, I seriously doubt they will refuse to do this for you.

Thanks vor ze zuggestion.   I vill keep that in mind vor 'other issues'.   However vor relief of 'zinus zymptoms' I no longer need to go to ze doctor any more.   Now I can go ztrait to ze Chemist and buy zome pseudoephidrine!   Guaranteed 'zame day zervice'.



Snoopy - the medication prescribed for sinus issues has nothing to do with a blocked nose or having a cold or flu.  Blocked sinuses can be brought on by things like pollens and it is not pleasant.  Please don't conflate the two because any sinus suffer will tell you it's not the same as having a cold or flu.

Red Baron

Quote from: Ferg on Jun 06, 2024, 10:20 PMThe medication prescribed for sinus issues has nothing to do with a blocked nose or having a cold or flu.  Blocked sinuses can be brought on by things like pollens and it is not pleasant.  Please don't conflate the two because any sinus suffer will tell you it's not the same as having a cold or flu.

Pollen allergies like 'hayfever' are indeed zinus related, not pleasant and can be zerious.   There are medications vor hayfever and ze like.   But I vould not have thought psedoephidrine vas one of them?