"It's not a scam" news story

Started by Untamed, May 09, 2024, 03:00 PM

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You may have seen this news story this morning:


I was one of the people who queried whether this raffle is a scam, with DIA. Their reply stated, he has a licence to operate the raffle, so no, it isn't a scam.

How the hell is someone able to get a raffle licence, when they do not actually have prizes to award? He has prizes "lined up" but he has not paid for them, and they have not been donated. He can only award said prizes if he sells enough raffle tickets. My understanding has always been, that you must prove you have actual prizes, before you obtain a licence. Clearly that is not the case.

I think this is absolutely unethical. Not to mention the fact that if he sells all his tickets he stands to receive a "salary" of $255,000, and is a discharged bankrupt.

What do you guys think? I think it is total BS.