WAR of the World

Started by Waltzing, Dec 11, 2023, 04:15 PM

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Quote from: Waltzing on Dec 12, 2023, 05:29 PMWhat will it take for the Europeans to realise its time to invest in democracy.


Well, last time it took a full blown World War before the West realised that an investment into democracy might be a good idea. Do we think people got wiser since than?

On the other hand - the US started to "export democracy" after WWII. Looks like they haven't got a lot of it left anymore - this might contribute to the problem?


OH dear dear me .... what a though and just before Xmas ...!!!


Word News Today from Poland...

The eastern flank at risk..

For those of you who holiday on the baltic this is may be on your mind as you sail to cities in this sea.



Ukrainians question Volodymyr Zelenskyy's 'rose-tinted' speeches
Former and current advisers say lack of realism in president's messaging is undermining confidence.

Ukraine's propaganda is probably just as inaccurate as Russia's.

Maybe he'll be gone before long and a realist will take over?


Quote from: kiwi2007 on Dec 12, 2023, 09:45 PMUkrainians question Volodymyr Zelenskyy's 'rose-tinted' speeches
Former and current advisers say lack of realism in president's messaging is undermining confidence.

Ukraine's propaganda is probably just as inaccurate as Russia's.

Maybe he'll be gone before long and a realist will take over?

I guess no matter how realistic Zelensky might be (or not) - if he goes, it would not change the dilemma.

The problem is that any negotiation with Russia is futile. The Russians did prove time and again that they don't care about their agreements. They actually did guarantee Ukraines territorial integrity when Ukraine gave up the nuclear weapons, and look what they did afterwards.

Negotiating with Russia is a waste of time and paper. Ukraine and the West either need to destroy Russia or we will need to live with the consequences, i.e. Russia increasing its territory whenever they feel the desire - not different to what Hitler did when the West was trying to appease him.

Russia is run by liars and war criminals. To allow them to win in Ukraine will come with a very expensive price tag for all of us. Given that the West lost interest in supporting Ukraine, we will pay the price and bear the consequences, and our children will still pay for our cowardice and desire to display convenient pragmatism.

We still mourn our forebears who died in WWI in Gallipoli (thanks to some idiotic British general). We mourn the millions who died in WWII not just in the trenches in Western Europe and the SEA jungle. We probably should start to prepare another national day of mourning to remember the people who will be killed in WW III which we are causing because its too dear and invonvenient for us to support the Ukraine in their struggle against the Russian monster.

What a shambles.


Yes BP ... the clock is ticking...

Support from the US reminds one of the support they gave the british until US interest aligned after Peril Habour...

and here we are again...

its just that Russia may not be able to do much either as the Russian public will soon be on food stamps or worse... starving to death with .. There are no eggs today...

There was a reason for  the1917 revolution...

The ukraine programmers are very inventive and we also have software from the region and they are very good at hacking the runtimes to engineer runtime adaptations....

help is on the way dont imagine it isnt...


And in deed here we are today in poland ... The western world must prepare to defend itself ...

"With concerns growing in Kyiv about its Western allies' commitment to funding its defence against Russia's invasion, Tusk said Poland would advocate for continued support. "We will ... loudly and decisively demand the full mobilisation of the free world, the Western world, to help Ukraine in this war," he said."


Are KIWIS living with there heads in the sand?

we are now required by TUSk to join  the free world to fight for democracy and help fund the defence of Ukraine...

The Russian approached poland back in the early part of the 2010- 2014 to divide ukraine ...

Tusk did not allow poland to be part of the Russian plan....

Just how much trouble is the western world in?


After all we dont have enough money to secure a viable ferry crossing between the North and the South....


Your head In the Mouth of the TIger....

Just how close are we today becuase once the little Man has Ukraine he will come for what ever else he can get .....




It does not make for nice morning tea reading and most people wont want to read till the end of the articles...



Looks like the Ukraine Army and River Navy in the south have been able to gain a foot hold on the eastern bank.
