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Started by Basil, Jan 19, 2023, 01:53 PM

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Quote from: KW on Jan 20, 2023, 10:56 AMI think we should all put the boot in on her way out the door.  The reason being is that a strong message needs to be sent to the next person doing the job - never again do we want the Bill of Rights, the Nuremberg Code and basically every other protection that we used to have from Govt tyranny, be so glibly overridden.  And the glee that she expressed while she did it, well that just makes it personal for a lot of people.  And if you want to divide us based on identity politics, create an Us vs Them set up nationwide and incite people to turn on each other, then you need to know this is the outcome. She needs to be made an example of, so it never happens again.

Sadly, she will go on to make millions of dollars on the speaking tour, get a multi million dollar book deal, and probably a Netflix series.  She will be okay.  The New Zealanders who lost their lives, livelihoods, health, homes, businesses ... not so much.
Does "I think she is the worst PM in our history" count?


Quote from: KW on Jan 20, 2023, 10:56 AMI think we should all put the boot in on her way out the door.  The reason being is that a strong message needs to be sent to the next person doing the job - never again do we want the Bill of Rights, the Nuremberg Code and basically every other protection that we used to have from Govt tyranny, be so glibly overridden.  And the glee that she expressed while she did it, well that just makes it personal for a lot of people.  And if you want to divide us based on identity politics, create an Us vs Them set up nationwide and incite people to turn on each other, then you need to know this is the outcome. She needs to be made an example of, so it never happens again.


Well, I don't know ...

Lets put it that way - I guess it is clear that you do not agree with her political agenda, and actually - I might be closer to your political views than to hers.

Political disagreements and a good political discussion about which way to go is important in any democracy, so - nothing wrong with a robust debate about issues.

However - neither the vitriol and the hate poured out against her during the last 5 years or so nor the kicks she currently gets from the eternal hater club have anything to do with a helpful political debate.

To be honest - I don't remember any example in history where kicking of the political opponent resulted in a better government and society. Do you? It just leads to less and less good people being interested in the job, it leads to further moves to the extremes (on both sides of the political spectrum), it often leads to physical violence (the hate in the social media is just the beginning) and the result is always lots of tears and pain (if we are lucky) and lots of spilled blood (if we are less lucky) for everybody.

Have a look at history - e.g. the first half of the last century in Europe. Many great examples ...

Problem is - the really bad people don't mind the vitriol and the kicking - they thrive on it. It is just the decent people who turn their back in disgust.

I think we better should have a constructive dialogue where this country should go ... instead of throwing mud at past democratic leaders.


Quote from: BlackPeter on Jan 20, 2023, 11:52 AMTo be honest - I don't remember any example in history where kicking of the political opponent resulted in a better government and society. Do you? 

I grudgingly agree with you BP.  But the kicking is making me feel a lot better  ;D  And I wasnt even badly affected by her, I am more angry on behalf of the people I know who lost their jobs and professional careers, their homes, their businesses, their health (I know several people who either ended up in hospital post vaccination, forced into taking the non-effective vaccine because of mandates or who now have permanent heart damage, so much for side effects being "rare"!), for the people who fell out with friends and family over the lies told about the vaccine (the whole "take the vaccine to save others" bulldust), and for the people who are still too afraid to leave their homes and resume normal life because of the fear porn that was promulgated by "the single source of truth".  I blame her for the endless stream of lies - about covid, about covid modelling, about the vaccines, the vaccine side effects, all of it.  And people can say "oh we didnt know stuff back then" but if you don't know something, you admit you don't know it, you don't make stuff up and present it as the truth or "The Science" and then shut down anyone who dares question you.  

And then she divided the country by race.  A whole other topic in itself.  Covid drugs were only available to Maori/Pacific people in the beginning, anyone else had to be practically dying to get them.  While the average age of people dying with/from covid was 64 during the first Omicron wave, a non Maori-Pacific person couldnt get the drug unless they were aged over 75.  Even today access to the drugs is determined by race.  The entire health system policy seems to now work on the basis that equality of racial health outcomes will be improved by making sure more white people die.  How about making sure that less people in general die rather than focusing on race?
Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.


Spencer Park Caravans. We should know how vulnerable people who live in caravan parks are. Not vaccinated - you were kicked out. Your fellow park resident dies. You get to see the the commemoration from the other side of the fence. Christchurch City Council did this - with no risk assessment. Just following Aderns orders. I don't know how some people sleep at night.



Quote from: mcdongle on Jan 22, 2023, 09:31 AMPfizer CEO at Davos being hustled.

This is Rebel News standard tactic - ambush, shout loaded questions and then deem a non reply as evidence of complicit guilt.

For context, Rebel News is a neo-fascist media website. It was primarily an anti-Muslim and antisemitic platform that now climbs on every conspiracy theory going.


Actually I lie.  I was badly affected, I've just blocked it from my memory.  During lockdown she denied medical diagnostics and treatment to anyone who didnt have covid - I developed a shoulder problem that due to lack of treatment became frozen shoulder, which then became two frozen shoulders.  I spent the two months of lockdown living on my own, unable to use either of my arms, and in debilitating pain, followed by over a year of intense physical therapy to get the use of my arms back.  I was on painkillers for 7 months.  Something that should never have happened.  So I'm angry about that, and for everyone else who had to suffer in agony during that period, and who have ended up with serious health problems that cant be treated now because it wasnt dealt to earlier.  I'm just lucky I didn't have cancer.
Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.


Quote from: KW on Jan 22, 2023, 10:28 AMActually I lie.  I was badly affected, I've just blocked it from my memory.  During lockdown she denied medical diagnostics and treatment to anyone who didnt have covid - I developed a shoulder problem that due to lack of treatment became frozen shoulder, which then became two frozen shoulders.  I spent the two months of lockdown living on my own, unable to use either of my arms, and in debilitating pain, followed by over a year of intense physical therapy to get the use of my arms back.  I was on painkillers for 7 months.  Something that should never have happened.  So I'm angry about that, and for everyone else who had to suffer in agony during that period, and who have ended up with serious health problems that cant be treated now because it wasnt dealt to earlier.  I'm just lucky I didn't have cancer.

Wine thru a straw eh KW


Quote from: Minimoke on Jan 21, 2023, 10:48 PMSpencer Park Caravans. We should know how vulnerable people who live in caravan parks are. Not vaccinated - you were kicked out. Your fellow park resident dies. You get to see the the commemoration from the other side of the fence. Christchurch City Council did this - with no risk assessment. Just following Aderns orders. I don't know how some people sleep at night.

The biggest tragedy was all the people who had to die alone, because none of their family were allowed to visit and sit with them.  Absolutely heartbreaking.  I am thankful that my mother died in Oct 2019 because I cant imagine the horror of her spending her last 12 hours in hospital on her own without us being able to say goodbye.  We would have had to have made the life support decision without even seeing her.  Or being able to travel to get to see her.  Or being able to comfort my father during and after her death.  And none of us bar my father would have been able to attend her funeral.  I'm angry for all those people who had family and friends die too, I could never have imagined that a Govt could be so cruel.
Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.


"She'd completely run out of idea's."

what ideas.. it was what ever was trending on Witter and Face It that was Wokie Donkie..

went she lost control of the IWI branch of the labour party or rather realised they though they could do whatever they liked she realised the game was up and her brand needed protecting so she could eject out to the UN.. Evryone thought she would eject by march even in wellington consultants were talking about not IF but when.
The GOVT did not make the decison to close the border. A doctor told me they had all be warning the health ministry in early JAN that borders could have to be closed.

It was the Doctors and medical professional that made the decision and the GOVT was dragged kicking and screaming behind the border controls...

CINDY did not make the decision it was made for her...


The stats form...

Dont fill in the form.... reject the form... spray it with anything you can find...

revolt!!!! revolt!!! Revolt!!!

object on the grounds the  election was rigged!!!

reject its sovereignty on the grounds of fraudulent policies...


 election bets for 10 dollars!!!
i will have to ask if i can use the credit card.... 

summer is out and RIP curl is getting a hammering and there is talk of New Surf boards if we are staying another year...

i mean you cant say no to the Troops...

 The Government is now stuck between a Rock and the East Coast flood plain!!!

Dont imagine they thought this would happen.  I had forgotten Cylone

 but lots of people have not...

Maybe they throw a Hail Marry pass put up a big tax rate hike and go to the election in late MAY!!!

Dont wait for the Tax hike to take effect!!!


ACT wants the GOVT to ACT on the East Cost receovery plan by creating a Economic Crisis ZONE.

The GOVT wants to Tax everyone some more instead of taking a Knife to itself first ...


Quote from: Waltzing on Mar 03, 2023, 03:48 PMMaybe they throw a Hail Marry pass put up a big tax rate hike and go to the election in late MAY!!!

Dont wait for the Tax hike to take effect!!!

Hey Waltz, had another mate today who thinks snap election in May....  Hhmmm...