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Started by Basil, Jan 19, 2023, 01:53 PM

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Pleased to see the back of her. She'd completely run out of idea's...repeating the "be kind mantra" while leading the most divisive government in N.Z's history had become nauseating a very long time ago.  I think its clear to many she was completly out of her depth.  Of course she and her colleagues will try and "spin" her legacy in a much more favorable light just like they try and put a spin on all their other bad news and failures.


Great which puppet will replace her?


Lets hope its Nanaia Mahuta and she continues to try and ram three waters down our throats, so we have a crystal clear distinction between Labour and National.


predicted this in my  2023 predictions below  :-\

Just waiting to hear if Neve will be going to school in Tairua or Geneva to get 100% correct.

Wish I could predict share price movements as accurately

quote author=Perky link=msg=5025 date=1671410804]
I Predict
1. the beagle continues to talk his book...until he's moved on to something else
2. Labour lose, jacinda doesn't stand for pm and relocates to Europe
3. Shares very volatile but very little overall growth
4. Fixed interest and corporate bonds perform
5. Oil and gas surge on cold weather and limited supply in Europe and people realise you can't turn them off and renewables on that quickly
6.oca stage recovery..the beagle announces he took an oversized position a few months back

Happy fishing Beagle and thanks for all your time and effort posting your musings on the forum.

Hope your got some good divies stashed..filling up the boat on diesel can't be  much fun ::)


Christopher Luxon or Nanaia Mahuta...gosh, decisions, decisons, that's a tough choice lol


Actually now you mention it Beagle I would say I can tick off no 1 off my list with your U turn sale of ARV after talking it up for the past few months

I think the next Labour leader will be Chippy Chris Hipkins
Wild card Kiri Allen


I am disappointed that like a filthy rat, she is leaving the sinking ship before she can be held to account for all the damage and disease she inflicted.  I was looking forward to seeing her held accountable for the economic destruction she has wrought on this country, but now she just gets to retire gracefully while everyone blows smoke up her arse.  I too knew she wouldn't stand for the next election, thats why she has been shopping her resume all over the world since the borders opened late last year. 

Aside from who the new Labour leader will be, and whether or not they can rebuild a "New Labour" by the time of the election, is what Winston Peters is going to do.  If anyone noticed, he had very carefully worded his "I will not work with that lot" statement to refer to Jacinda specifically, and not Labour in general.  He's a wily old fox that one, now he's back in Kingmaker position again with the ability to work with both parties.  A clean sweep by National & Act is no longer so assured. 
Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.


Quote from: Perky on Jan 19, 2023, 02:30 PMActually now you mention it Beagle I would say I can tick off no 1 off my list with your U turn sale of ARV after talking it up for the past few months
Give it a rest dude, you already made your dig yesterday.  In case it's not already perfectly obvious from this thread, big decisions are made over the holidays when there's more time to reflect.


"The Fox, when he cannot reach the grapes, says they are not ripe." - George Herbert

I reckon the wily ole fox Winston has cooked his goose this time. He's shown nz his tricks and now the voters have learnt with foxes, we must play the fox

After all he put Labour in charge in the first place.
I think National & Act will control with no deals required.

"A fox is a wolf who sends flowers." - Ruth Brown


Agree with that.  I think a lot of people now see him as more of a weasel than a wily old fox.

That said it's good to see two politicians calling it as it really is today, extract from press article
QuoteAct leader David Seymour was less charitable than Luxon.

"Jacinda Ardern is a well-meaning person, but her idealism collided hard with reality," he said.

"We wish her and her family well for their future.

"Ardern's collision with reality has left this country with big problems: the economy, the lawlessness, the Treaty.

"New Zealand needs a new government of real change and Act will be providing the ideas and the backbone to make the change real," he said.

NZ First leader Winston Peters who served as Ardern's deputy prime minister in her first term said he was not surprised by her resignation, which he put down to failures this term.

"The Labour Government post-2020 has been in serious trouble and so has the Prime Minister. Having set such huge targets on which they haven't delivered, this was not unforseeable," Peters said.

Peters had earlier ruled out working with Labour in comments to the Herald, citing the He Puapua report which Labour kept secret from NZ First when they were in Government.

Peters said this position had not changed, despite Ardern's resignation. He would not work with Labour, no matter who led it.

"I'm saying they lied to me and they don't get to lie to me twice. They is a plural," he said.


Without Jacinda, maybe all the Labour voters will flock to Winston Peters and NZ First, and Labour will become the minority party. :o That would be a bit of a laugh.  The polls over the next few month will be very interesting.
Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.


Quote from: Perky on Jan 19, 2023, 02:14 PMI Predict
1. the beagle continues to talk his book...until he's moved on to something else
2. Labour lose,

I thought the whole point of this forum was to talk our books?

Then I can learn from you old fellas


Quote from: arekaywhy on Jan 20, 2023, 07:39 AMI thought the whole point of this forum was to talk our books?

Then I can learn from you old fellas
You are in the "politics" part of this forum. Some of us have been around politics for a very long time. Today (well actually yesterday) was a great day and I am still smiling today.

But to try and put a bit of a share market spin into this thread, look out for the next 6 months.

There are basically three parts to labour at the moment. The Maori part, The union part and the "social justice" part.

Who ever wins the poisoned chalice on Sunday is going to have to manage those three parts.

And the first thing that is likely to effect the markets is a declaration on what this years new Minimum Wage is going to be. And this is where the Union part will be advocating for a very high increase - Maybe $1.50 an hour. They will see this as their last chance to artificially increase wages for those at the bottom.

And once that new minimum wage is announced look for the effect of its ripples throughout the rest of the economy and markets.

(Don't forget the quasi minimum wage goes to $29.66 with effect from 20 Feb. This is the minimum wage employers have to pay to bring migrants (a few jobs aside) into the country - which has relativity impacts for all other wages.


Quote from: Basil on Jan 19, 2023, 01:53 PM

Pleased to see the back of her. She'd completely run out of idea's...repeating the "be kind mantra" while leading the most divisive government in N.Z's history had become nauseating a very long time ago.  I think its clear to many she was completly out of her depth.  Of course she and her colleagues will try and "spin" her legacy in a much more favorable light just like they try and put a spin on all their other bad news and failures.

Yes, she started with good intentions but managed to basically screw up anything she said she wanted to fix and starting instead to implement a lot of stuff she nobody told about beforehand and which the majority didn't wanted.

Not sure, though, whether this is related to political colors ... if we look at the tories in the UK - they said they want to return Britain to previous imperial glory and look how spectacular they failed! They diminished any global impact Britain still might have had and managed to run the British economy into the ground.

So - the question is - do we prefer as a leader somebody with a secret agenda but otherwise good intentions though unable to implement them or somebody with bad intentions and able to implement them?

And lets face it - spin has nothing to do with political colors either. Nobody lied more than e.g. the Republicans under Trump or e.g. the Brazilian Right Wing under Bolsonaro.

Maybe its just the time of corrupted, selfish and inept politicians (no matter whether left or right) ... and using this gauge, actually - I think Jacinda Adern ranks still pretty well in comparison to many other recent world leaders.

And I think its as well the time of a tsunami of hate and vitriol against democratic politicians. The vitriol dished out might well further reduce our chances to get a good and decent future leader - I am sure there are many good leaders who just don't want to be exposed to all the cr*p Jacinda Adern was exposed to on a daily basis. Good for her to enduring that for more than 5 years!

Lets as well remember that there have been moments where we could all be proud of her. I think she did well e.g. after the terrorist attacks as well as in the first Covid phase, and I think this is much more than what one can say about many of the right wing populist politicians around the globe.

Probably a good time to just say thank you instead of still kicking her on her way out. She did lead us during very difficult times, she had to take an incredible level of hate and vitriol (ways more than many other politicians), and while she clearly failed with achieving many of her aspirational goals - I think she was well meaning and she brought the ship she commanded in a better condition through the recent storms than many other captains / country leaders did.

Looking forward ... I am sure we all could think about better leaders (less secret agenda and more implementation skills), however - whether this is what we will get next is still something nobody can know ... and it has nothing to do with the political colors.


Quote from: BlackPeter on Jan 20, 2023, 09:54 AMProbably a good time to just say thank you instead of still kicking her on her way out. She did lead us during very difficult times, she had to take an incredible level of hate and vitriol (ways more than many other politicians), and while she clearly failed with achieving many of her aspirational goals - I think she was well meaning and she brought the ship she commanded in a better condition through the recent storms than many other captains / country leaders did.

I think we should all put the boot in on her way out the door.  The reason being is that a strong message needs to be sent to the next person doing the job - never again do we want the Bill of Rights, the Nuremberg Code and basically every other protection that we used to have from Govt tyranny, be so glibly overridden.  And the glee that she expressed while she did it, well that just makes it personal for a lot of people.  And if you want to divide us based on identity politics, create an Us vs Them set up nationwide and incite people to turn on each other, then you need to know this is the outcome. She needs to be made an example of, so it never happens again.

Sadly, she will go on to make millions of dollars on the speaking tour, get a multi million dollar book deal, and probably a Netflix series.  She will be okay.  The New Zealanders who lost their lives, livelihoods, health, homes, businesses ... not so much. 
Don't drink and buy shares in a downtrend, you bloody idiot.